<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 40>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nWhatever creature is playing with you can swim faster in water than you can. It pulls you under several more times. You are being swept down river and before long, you are out of sight down a branch of the river that no one had seen before.\n\nYou have a feeling that you will never see your comrades again.\n\n\n[[Continue...|theShore]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 3>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou figure it will take a couple of weeks to get back to Manaus on foot. You have no way to get food and no way to protect yourself from whatever is out there in the jungle. At least you won't lack for fresh water, not with rivers everywhere. \n\nYou have little idea how to get to Manaus, anyway, since the boat had travelled, not on this tributary, but on the main river from Manaus. You decide to hike downstream until you can find a good crossover point. Once you cross, you can hike through the jungle to the main river. At least that's the plan. Oh, if <<Gwen>> could only see you now!\n\n\n[[Continue...|rethinking]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nWith three people in one canoe and four in the other, there is plenty of room for all our possessions. Every precaution is taken, in the interest of peace, of putting one Professor into each canoe. You end up with Moss, who, for once, is in a very good humor.\n\n\n[[Continue...|rivering]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou spend two days in Belém, getting last minute supplies, especially fruits and vegetables. <<Gomez>> helps you rent a boat for the rest of the journey. Loading all the gear and food takes all of a day. Tomorrow morning, you will set off for Santarém.\n\nHere's the info on the available boats:\n\n//[[Emerald Isle|EmeraldIsle]]//\n//[[Fair Weather|FairWeather]]//\n\nWhich boat do you want?\n<<checkbox "$EmeraldIsle" false true>>//Emerald Isle// \n<<checkbox "$FairWeather" false true>>//Fair Weather// \n\n\n[[Continue...|Santarém]]
Config.debug = false;\nstrings.macros.return.text = "Return..."\n\n\n/* ====================================================================*/\n/* ========================= MY OWN MACROS ============================*/\n/* ====================================================================*/\n\n/* this macro converts the string $name to proper name (in passage Start) */\nMacro.add("properName1", {\n\thandler: function() \n\t{\n\t\tvar name2 = state.active.variables.name;\n\t\tvar name2 = name2.slice(1);\n\t\tvar name3 = name2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name2.substring(1).toLowerCase();\n\t\tstate.active.variables.name = name3;\n\t}\n});\n\n\n/* this macro converts the string $letter1 to lowercase (in passage showLetter) */\nMacro.add("lowercase", {\n\thandler: function() \n\t{\n\t\tvar letter1 = state.active.variables.letter1; \t// get $letter1\n\t\tvar letter2 = letter1.slice(0,4);\t\t\t\t// get the first four letters of $letter1\n\t\tvar letter2 = letter2.toLowerCase();\t\t\t// convert to lowercase\n\t\t//alert(letter2);\n\t\tif (letter2 == "help") {\n\t\t\tstate.active.variables.letter1 = letter2;\t//if the first 4 letters = "help", then set $letter to "help"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n});\n\n/* === show of passage titles if debugMe is set to TRUE === */\nprerender["addPassageTitle"] = function (content) {\n\tvar myDebug = state.active.variables.debugMe;\n\tif (myDebug == true) {\n\t$(content).append("<span class='orangeText' style='font-weight:bold;'>" + passage() + "</span>") \n\t} ;\n};\n\n/* ====================================================================\nprovides the <<playsound>> macros\nSee: http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5061 \n======================================================================*/\n\n(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("store-area").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());\n\n/* ===================================================== */\n/*! <<replacelink>> macro set for SugarCube 2.x */\n/* ===================================================== */\n!function(){"use strict";function showVer(n,notrans){n&&(n.innerHTML="",new Wikifier(n,n.tweecode),n.setAttribute("data-enabled","true"),n.style.display="inline",n.classList.remove("revision-span-out"),notrans||(n.classList.add("revision-span-in"),n.timeout&&clearTimeout(n.timeout),n.timeout=setTimeout(function(){n.classList.remove("revision-span-in"),n=null},20)))}function hideVer(n,notrans){n&&(n.setAttribute("data-enabled","false"),n.classList.remove("revision-span-in"),n.timeout&&clearTimeout(n.timeout),notrans?(n.style.display="none",n.innerHTML="",n=null):(n.classList.add("revision-span-out"),n.timeout=setTimeout(function(){"false"===n.getAttribute("data-enabled")&&(n.classList.remove("revision-span-out"),n.style.display="none",n.innerHTML=""),n=null},1e3)))}function tagcontents(b,starttags,desttags,endtags,k){function tagfound(i,e,endtag){for(var j=0;j<e.length;j++)if(a.indexOf("<<"+e[j]+(endtag?">>":""),i)===i)return e[j]}for(var tg,l=0,c="",a=b.source.slice(k),i=0;i<a.length;i++){if(tg=tagfound(i,starttags))l++;else{if((tg=tagfound(i,desttags,!0))&&0===l)return b.nextMatch=k+i+tg.length+4,[c,tg];if((tg=tagfound(i,endtags,!0))&&(l--,l<0))return null}c+=a.charAt(i)}return null}function revisionSpanHandler(g,e,f,b){function mkspan(vtype){return h=insertElement(m,"span",null,"revision-span "+vtype),h.setAttribute("data-enabled",!1),h.style.display="none",h.tweecode="",h}var becomes,c,cn,m,h,vsn,k=b.source.indexOf(">>",b.matchStart)+2,vsns=[],vtype=e,flen=f.length;if(this.shorthand&&flen)for(;f.length>0;)vsns.push([f.shift(),"insert"===this.flavour?"gains":"becomes"]);else("insert"===this.flavour||"continue"===this.flavour&&"time"===this.trigger)&&vsns.push(["","becomes"]);if("continue"===this.flavour&&flen)b.nextMatch=k+b.source.slice(k).length,vsns.push([b.source.slice(k),vtype]);else{if(becomes=["becomes","gains"],c=tagcontents(b,begintags,becomes.concat(endtags),endtags,k),c&&endtags.indexOf(c[1])===-1){for(;c;)vsns.push(c),c=tagcontents(b,begintags,becomes,endtags,b.nextMatch);c=tagcontents(b,begintags,["/"+e,"end"+e],endtags,b.nextMatch)}if(!c)return void throwError(g,"<<"+e+">>: cannot find a matching close tag");vsns.push(c),"continue"===this.flavour&&(k=b.nextMatch,b.nextMatch=k+b.source.slice(k).length,vsns.push([b.source.slice(k),""]))}for("remove"===this.flavour&&vsns.push(["","becomes"]),cn=0,m=insertElement(g,"span",null,e),m.setAttribute("data-flavour",this.flavour),h=mkspan("initial"),vsn=vsns.shift(),h.tweecode=vsn[0],showVer(h,!0);vsns.length>0;)vsn&&(vtype=vsn[1]),vsn=vsns.shift(),h=mkspan(vtype),h.tweecode=vsn[0];"function"==typeof this.setup&&this.setup(m,g,e,f)}function revisionSetup(m,g,e,f){m.className+=" "+f[0].replace(" ","_")}function keySetup(m,g,e,f){f[0];m.setEventListener("keydown",function l(e){var done=!revise("revise",m);done&&m.removeEventListener("keydown",l)})}function timeSetup(m,g,e,f){function cssTimeUnit(s){if("string"==typeof s){if("ms"===s.slice(-2).toLowerCase())return Number(s.slice(0,-2))||0;if("s"===s.slice(-1).toLowerCase())return 1e3*Number(s.slice(0,-1))||0}return throwError(g,"<<"+e+'>>: "'+s+'" is not a valid CSS time unit'),0}var tm=cssTimeUnit(f[0]),s=passage();setTimeout(function timefn(){if(passage()===s){var done=!revise("revise",m);done||setTimeout(timefn,tm)}},tm)}function hoverSetup(m){var fn,noMouseEnter=null!==document.head.onmouseenter,m1=m.children[0],m2=m.children[1],gains=m2.className.indexOf("gains")>-1;m1&&m2&&(m1.onmouseenter=function(e){for(var efp=document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);efp&&efp!==this;)efp=efp.parentNode;efp&&"false"!==this.getAttribute("data-enabled")&&revise("revise",this.parentNode)},m2.onmouseleave=function(e){for(var efp=document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);efp&&efp!==this;)efp=efp.parentNode;efp||"false"!==this.getAttribute("data-enabled")&&revise("revert",this.parentNode)},gains&&(m1.onmouseleave=m2.onmouseleave),noMouseEnter&&(fn=function(n){return 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seen",d=m.firstChild&&("insert"===this.flavour?m.firstChild.nextSibling:m.firstChild).tweecode;if(sav[os]=sav[os]||{},d&&!sav[os].hasOwnProperty(d))sav[os][d]=1;else{for(var i=sav[os][d];i>0&&!done;i--)done=!revise("revise",m,!0);sav[os].hasOwnProperty(d)&&(sav[os][d]+=1)}}function insideDepartingSpan(elem){for(var r=elem.parentNode;!r.classList.contains("passage");){if(r.classList.contains("revision-span-out"))return!0;r=r.parentNode}}function reviseAll(rt,rname){for(var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]."+rname),ret=!1,i=0;i<rall.length;i++)insideDepartingSpan(rall[i])||(ret=revise(rt,rall[i])||ret);return ret}function revise(rt,r,notrans){function doToGainerSpans(n,fn){for(var k=n-1;k>=0&&rc[k+1].classList.contains("gains");k--)fn(rc[k],notrans)}for(var ind2,curr,next,ind=-1,rev="revert"===rt,rnd=rt.indexOf("random")>-1,fl=r.getAttribute("data-flavour"),rc=r.childNodes,cyc="cycle"===fl,rcl=rc.length-1,k=0;k<=rcl;k++)"true"===rc[k].getAttribute("data-enabled")&&(ind=k);rev&&(ind-=1),curr=ind>=0?rc[ind]:cyc?rc[rcl]:null,ind2=ind,rnd&&(ind2=(ind+Math.floor(Math.random()*rcl))%rcl),next=ind2<rcl?rc[ind2+1]:cyc?rc[0]:null;var docurr=rev?showVer:hideVer,donext=rev?hideVer:showVer,currfn=function(){next&&next.classList.contains("gains")&&!rnd||(docurr(curr,notrans),doToGainerSpans(ind,docurr,notrans))},nextfn=function(){donext(next,notrans),rnd&&doToGainerSpans(ind2+1,donext,notrans)};return rev?(nextfn(),currfn()):(currfn(),nextfn()),!!cyc||(rev?ind>0:ind2<rcl-1)}if("undefined"==typeof version||"undefined"==typeof version.title||"SugarCube"!==version.title||"undefined"==typeof version.major||version.major<2)throw new Error("<<replacelink>> macro set requires SugarCube 2.0.0 or greater, aborting load");version.extensions.replacelinkMacroSet={major:1,minor:1,revision:7};var begintags=[],endtags=[];[{name:"insertlink",flavour:"insert",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"insertion",flavour:"insert",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"later",flavour:"insert",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"replacelink",flavour:"replace",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousereplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"revision",flavour:"replace",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"keyreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"timedremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mouseremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"removal",flavour:"remove",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"once",flavour:"remove",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"continuelink",flavour:"continue",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedcontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousecontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"keycontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"cycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"mousecycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"timedcycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"keycycle",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup}].forEach(function(e){e.handler=revisionSpanHandler,e.shorthand=["link","mouse","hover"].indexOf(e.trigger)>-1,macros[e.name]=e,Macro.tags.register(e.name),begintags.push(e.name),endtags.push("/"+e.name,"end"+e.name)}),macros.revertlink=macros.reviselink=macros.randomiselink=macros.randomizelink={handler:function(a,b,c){function disableLink(l){l.style.display="none"}function enableLink(l){l.style.display="inline"}function updateLink(l){if(l.className.indexOf("random")>-1)return void enableLink(l);for(var cannext,canprev,r,fl,rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]."+rname),i=0;i<rall.length;i++)r=rall[i],fl=r.getAttribute("data-flavour"),insideDepartingSpan(r)||("cycle"===fl?cannext=canprev=!0:("false"===r.firstChild.getAttribute("data-enabled")&&(canprev=!0),"false"===r.lastChild.getAttribute("data-enabled")&&(cannext=!0)));var can=l.classList.contains("revert")?canprev:cannext;(can?enableLink:disableLink)(l)}function toggleText(w){w.classList.toggle(rl+"Enabled"),w.classList.toggle(rl+"Disabled"),w.style.display="none"===w.style.display?"inline":"none"}if(c.length<2)return void throwError(a,"<<"+b+">>: insufficient arguments (requires at least 2)");var l,rname,actName=b.slice(0,-4),rl="reviseLink",v="",end=!1,out=!1;switch(rname=c.shift().replace(" ","_"),l=insertElement(a,"a"),l.className="link-internal "+rl+" "+rl+"_"+rname+" "+actName,c.length>1&&"$"===c[0][0]&&(v=c[0].slice(1),c.shift()),c[c.length-1]){case"end":end=!0,c.pop();break;case"out":out=!0,c.pop()}for(var h=State.variables,i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=i===Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0),d=insertElement(null,"span",null,rl+(on?"En":"Dis")+"abled");on?(h[v]=c[i],l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)):d.style.display="none",insertText(d,c[i]),l.appendChild(d)}jQuery(l).ariaClick(function(){reviseAll(actName,rname);var lall,t=this.childNodes,u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0,m=t.length;if((end||out)&&u>=m-(end?2:1)){if(!end)return void this.parentNode.removeChild(this);var n=this.removeChild(t[u+1]||t[u]);n.className=rl+"End",n.style.display="inline",this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)}else toggleText(t[u]),u=(u+1)%m,v&&(h[v]=c[u]),toggleText(t[u]),this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u);lall=document.getElementsByClassName(rl+"_"+rname);for(var i=0;i<lall.length;i++)updateLink(lall[i])}),disableLink(l),setTimeout(function(l){return function(){updateLink(l)}}(l),1),l=null}},macros.mouserevise=macros.hoverrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){var endtags=["/"+b,"end"+b],evt=null===window.onmouseenter?"onmouseenter":"onmouseover",t=tagcontents(d,[b],endtags,endtags,d.source.indexOf(">>",d.matchStart)+2);if(t){var rname=c[0].replace(" ","_"),h=insertElement(a,"span",null,"hoverrevise hoverrevise_"+rname),f=function(){var done=!reviseAll("revise",rname);"hoverrevise"!=b&&done&&(this[evt]=null)};new Wikifier(h,t[0]),"hoverrevise"===b?(h.onmouseover=f,h.onmouseout=function(){reviseAll("revert",rname)}):h[evt]=f,h=null}}},Macro.tags.register("mouserevise"),Macro.tags.register("hoverrevise"),macros.instantrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){reviseAll("revise",c[0].replace(" ","_"))}}}();\n\n
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nAll of a sudden, Professor Summerlee's pent up annoyance brakes loose. Moss had assigned him to carry nothing but a barometer, but now the whole issue of who is in charge comes to a head.\n\n"May I ask, sir," says Summerlee, with vicious calm, "who you think you are to take it upon yourself to command everyone else around like this?"\n\nMoss glares at Summerlee.\n\n"I do it, Professor Summerlee, as leader of this expedition."\n\n"I //must// to tell you, sir, that I //do not// recognize you as any kind of leader. You are a man whose truthfulness is on trial, and this committee is here to try it. You walk, sir, with your judges."\n\nThe two go at each other for the longest time. If you are to make any progress on this journey, you have to intervene.\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\n[[Scold them|scolding]]\n[[Distract them|distract]]
Lost World
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nThe flight to Brasilia is uneventful, though long. You mumble to Lord John that the Pereira da Pinta Company is being very helpful in finding what is needed for the trip inland. You hire a tour guide <<if $sex eq"F">>with jet black hair named, appropriately,<<else>>named<<endif>> <<Gomez>>, along with a laborer, Manuel. Roxton and <<Gomez>> then go about buying supplies (tents, bedding, food, guns, binoculars) and renting a Jeep. There are a lot of preparations and you spend the good part of a week in Brasilia.\n\nFinally, with <<Gomez>> at the wheel, and the gear packed inside and on top of the Jeep, you set off for Belém near the mouth of the Amazon.\n\n[[South american map - small|small South American map]]\n[[South American map - large|large South American map]]\n\n\n[[Continue...|Belém]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<b class="speaker">One week later...</b>\n\nAs you approach the airport terminal, you hear a shout from behind. Professor Moss arrives unexpectedly to send you off.\n\n"My directions for your instruction and guidance are in this sealed envelope. You will open it when you reach a town upon the Amazon which is called Manaus, but not until the date and hour which is marked upon the outside. Have I made myself clear? Good bye, <<print $name>>. I put no restictions on what you might write home about. Good-bye, Lord John Roxton. Science is not your 'thing' but I expect that you will be thrilled to bring down a Tyranosaurus Rex. And good-bye to you also, Professor Summerlee. If you are still capable of self-improvement, of which I am frankly unconvinced, you will surely return to London a wiser man."\n\nMoss turns and leaves without ceremony. You and your comrades head for the gate.\n\n\n[[Continue...|airTrip]]
<table class="letter"><tr><td class="letterContents">Dear Professor Moss,\n\nAs a student of Nature, I have always taken an interest in your ideas about dinosaurs and have re-read your masterly lecture you gave in Vienna. It seems to be the last word in the matter. I have heard it rumored that you plan to return to South America. Would it be possible for me to return with you? \n\nI remain, Sir, with profound respect, \n\nYours very truly, \n\n<<print $name>></td></tr></table>\s\n\n[[You are good with this letter|receiveLetter]]\n[[You would like to try writing your own letter|writeLetter]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 5>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nSuddenly, from the back of the canoe, Professor Moss gives a shout of satisfaction and points to a single tree that projects at an odd angle over the side of the stream.\n\n"What do you make of that?" he asks.\n\n"It is surely an Assai palm," says Professor Summerlee.\n\n"Exactly. It was an Assai palm that I took for my landmark. The secret opening is half a mile up stream, on the other side of the river. There is no break in the trees. That is the wonder and the mystery of it. There..."\n\nMoss points ahead, and across the river. \n\n"Do you see the light-green rushes, instead of dark-green undergrowth? There... between the great cotton woods. That is my private gate into the unknown."\n\nThe unknown in a mystery novel is exciting. The unknown in the middle of unexplored jungle with danger on every side: that's terrifying.\n\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\n[[The smart thing: go home|goHome]]\n[[Continue into the unknown and dangerous|shallows]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = -1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nIn Manaus, you are fortunate to run into Mr. Shortman, the representative of the British and Brazilian Trading Company. He hosts you until the day when you are empowered to open the [[letter of instructions]] given to you by Professor Moss back home.
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou start yelling for <<Gomez>> and the Professors. In between yells, you listen. It has gotten frighteningly quiet in the jungle. Not a peep.\n\nYou decide that yelling is useless.\n\n\n[[Continue...|WalkbacktoRiver]]
<h2>Lord John Roxton</h2>\s\nLord John has a strongly-curved nose, hollow, worn cheeks, dark, ruddy hair, thin at the top, crisp, virile moustache, and a small, aggressive tuft upon his projecting chin. In figure he is spare, but very strongly built. His height is a little over six feet, but he seems shorter on account of a peculiar rounding of the shoulders.\n\nLord John Roxton is about 40 years old, and exceedingly neat and prim in his ways, dresses always with great care in white drill suits and high brown boots, and shaves at least once a day. He is always quick to answer a question or join in a conversation, talking in a queer, jerky, half-humorous fashion. His knowledge of the world, and very especially of South America, is surprising, and he has a whole-hearted belief in the possibilities of our journey which is not to be dashed by the sneers of Professor Summerlee. He has a gentle voice and a quiet manner, but behind his twinkling blue eyes there lurks a capacity for furious wrath and implacable resolution, the more dangerous because they are held in leash. \n\n<<return>>
<<return>>\n\nThe //Fair Weather// is a Sea Ray 330 Sundancer, a 33 foot boat with a Mercruiser motor. The //Fair Weather// sleeps 6, has a small kitchenette with a microwave and refrigerator. The boat is equipped with a VHF radio and has one bathroom with a sink.
/* DECLARE VARIALBES USED THROUGHOUT THE GAME */\n<<set $debugMe = true>>\n<<set $name = "">>\n<<set $name2 = "">>\n<<set $name3 = "">>\n<<set $Men = "">>\n<<set $Women = "">>\n<<set $nameFound = false>>\n<<set $sex = "F">>\n<<set $signal = "signal.wav">>\n<<set $storyType = "kissing">>\n<<set $letter1 = "HeLP">>\n<<set $decrement = 0>>\t\t\t//what a given action costs in terms of survivalIndex//\n<<set $EmeraldIsle = true>>\n<<set $FairWeather = false>>\n<<set $tripLength = 1>>\n<<set $survivalIndex = 100>>\t//the probability that you will survive this adventure//\n/*the probability of returning home (or being stuck in Brazil)*/\n<<set $returnIndex = (($survivalIndex*$survivalIndex*0.0083) + ($survivalIndex*0.25) - 8.333)>>\t\t\n\n/* WIDGETS THAT FIX NAMES */\n\t<<widget "Gomez">><<if $sex eq "M">>Gomez<<elseif $sex eq "F">>Jet<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\t/* Manuel is the hired laborer */\n\n/*WIDGETS THAT FIX PRONOUNS*/\n\t<<widget "she">><<if $sex eq "M">>she<<elseif $sex eq "F">>he<<else>>it<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\t<<widget "her">><<if $sex eq "M">>her<<elseif $sex eq "F">>him<<else>>its<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\t<<widget "hers-his">><<if $sex eq "M">>hers<<elseif $sex eq "F">>his<<else>>its<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\t<<widget "her-his">><<if $sex eq "M">>her<<elseif $sex eq "F">>his<<else>>its<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\n\n\t/*reverse the pronouns*/\n\t<<widget "rshe">><<if $sex eq "F">>she<<elseif $sex eq "M">>he<<else>>it<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\t<<widget "rher">><<if $sex eq "F">>her<<elseif $sex eq "M">>him<<else>>its<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\t<<widget "rhers-his">><<if $sex eq "F">>hers<<elseif $sex eq "M">>his<<else>>its<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\n\t/* if user is male, then the supporting character is Gwen; otherwise Glenn */\n\t<<widget "Gwen">><<if $sex eq "F">>Glenn<<elseif $sex eq "M">>Gwen<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\n/* WIDGET THAT NAMES THE BOAT */\n\t<<widget "amazonShip">><<if $EmeraldIsle eq true>>Emerald Isle<<else>>Fair Weather<<endif>><<endwidget>>\n\n/* WIDGET THAT IS USED IN EVERY PASSAGE; NOTE: THE BLANK LINES PRIOR TO \s<<endwidget\s>> ARE PART OF THE WIDGET */\n\t<<widget "tallyIndexes">>\n\t\t<<silently>>\n\t\t\t<<set $survivalIndex -= $decrement>>\n\t\t\t<<if $survivalIndex gt 100>><<set $survivalIndex = 100>><<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<if $decrement neq 0>><<playsound "sound/signal.wav">><<endif>>\n\t\t\t<<set $returnIndex = (($survivalIndex*$survivalIndex*0.0083) + ($survivalIndex*0.25) - 8.333)>>\n\t\t\t<<if $returnIndex lt 0>><<set $returnIndex = 0>><<endif>>\n\t\t<<endsilently>>\s\n\t\t<table class="indexValue" align="right"><tr><td align="right">''<<print "Survival index: " + Math.trunc($survivalIndex)>>''</td><td align="right">''<<print "Return index: " + Math.trunc($returnIndex)>>''</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><hr class="orangeHR"></td></tr></table>\n\n\n\n\t<<endwidget>>\n\n<<widget "properName">>\s\n\t<<set $name2 = $name.slice(0,1)>>\n\t<<set $name2 = $name2.toUpperCase()>>\n\t<<set $name = $name2 + $name.substr(1)>>\n<<endwidget>>\s\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nFor two days, you and the others paddle up a river that, though just a branch of the Amazon, is still several hundred yards wide. The river is not the only thing flowing. Also flowing is a constant stream of updates on the plants and animals visible from the canoes from both Professors. They make no secret of wanting to outdo one another in showing off their academic brilliance. \n\n\n[[Continue...|throbbing]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 20>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou finally get up enough courage to tell Professor Moss that continuing on this supremely dangerous mission is the most ridiculous decision of your life. \n\nMoss chews you out. "Well, as much as I will miss having a pair of hands to lighten the work, it is far to our advantage not to have a coward in tow. Aucaman will accompany you back to the village. You can wait on board the //<<amazonShip>>// until we arrive. That is the best that we can do."\n\nMoss pulls Aucaman asided and tells him, "Watch this good-for-nothing that he doesn't take leave in our ship."\n\nAlong with Aucaman, you make your departure from the expedition, feeling quite badly about all of it, wishing things could have been different, and wondering what <<Gwen>> will think when you return home, //if// you return home. \n\n\n[[Continue...|returnToVillage]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nOn the third day, you notice a deep throbbing sound in the air, rhythmic and solemn.\n\n"What is it?" you ask. \n\n<<Gomez>> knows exactly what it is. "War drums," he says, obviously nervous. "They watch us every mile of the way. Get us if they can." Aucaman and Quidel keep rowing but they are scanning the forest on both sides of the river.\n\nAt least six or seven drums are throbbing from various points. Sometimes they beat quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes in obvious question and answer, one far to the east breaking out in a high staccato rattle, and being followed after a pause by a deep roll from the north. There was something indescribably nerve-shaking and menacing in that constant mutter. <<Gomez>> kept repeating: "We will get you if we can. We will get you if we can." \n\n\n[[Continue...|moored]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nHaving survived marsh water up to your knees and clouds of mosquitoes yesterday, you push onward for a second day.\n\nYou march upward and notice the vegetation changing from tropical forest to thinner woods with huge trees. You cross occasional brooks, which provide fresh water and perfect camp sites. \n\n[[Continue...|9daysLater]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou walk for about 15 minutes downstream before deciding that this plan is just not going to work. For as far as you can see, the only way across the river is to swim and there is no way you are going to wade into this water.\n\nYou walk back to the point where you first landed ashore.\n\n\n[[Continue...|WalkbacktoRiver]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<<if $EmeraldIsle eq true>><<set $tripLength = 3>><<else>><<set $tripLength = 6>><<endif>>\s\nFor <<print $tripLength>> days you motor north-westwards up a stream which even here, a thousand miles from its mouth, is still so enormous that from its center the two banks are almost invisible. <<if $EmeraldIsle eq true>><<set $tripLength = 2>><<else>><<set $tripLength = 4>><<endif>><<print $tripLength>> days after leaving Manaus you turn into a tributary that narrows rapidly.\n\s\n<<if $FairWeather eq true>>\s\nYou go to the kitchenette and <<Gomez>> informs you that the boat is running low on food. It has taken a lot longer to get to the destination than expected because the boat is too small and too slow and <<rshe>> grumbles that you should have picked the other boat. You go hungry for the rest of the day.\n<<endif>>\s\n\n\n[[Continue...|indianVillage]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n"Um, I, um, um..."\n\nYou have never seen such an imposing figure in all your life. Frankly, you are terrified and not so sure about all this adventure stuff. This is almost as much adventure as you can handle. But, you think about <<Gwen>>. You can't back out now.\n\n"Professor Loss, er... Moss. Um, I'm <<print $name>> and I was wondering if, I was wondering if, um, if"\n\n"Yes, spit it out!"\n\n"If you are going to South America, can I go with you?"\n\n"Hmph. What good are ya?"\n\n"I can carry luggage and cook and I know how to use a computer and how to edit photos. And, and... if you'll excuse me, but knowing your history, Sir, I think you could use me."\n\n\n[[Continue...|response2request]]
A fantastic expedition back to the dawn of time
He crossed to an oaken cupboard, and as he threw it open I caught a glimpse of glistening rows of parallel barrels, like the pipes of an organ.\n\n"I'll see what I can spare you out of my own battery," said he.\n\nOne by one he took out a succession of beautiful rifles, opening and shutting them with a snap and a clang, and then patting them as he put them back into the rack as tenderly as a mother would fondle her children.\n\nBland's .577 axite express; "I got that big fellow with it." He glanced up at the white rhinoceros.\n\n.470, telescopic sight, double ejector, point-blank up to three-fifty\n\nHe took out a beautiful brown-and-silver rifle. "Well rubbered at the stock, sharply sighted, five cartridges to the clip. You can trust your life to that." He handed it to me and closed the door of his oak cabinet.\n
<b class="speaker">Tips for Successful CYOA Stories</b>\n\nSchafer then explained what he sees as @@.speaker;“good puzzle theory,”@@ noting that puzzles should include the following elements:\n* A clear obstacle\n* A clear motivation\n* Responses for failed solutions (with hints)\n* Rewards for getting close\n* An “a-ha” feeling and not a “WTF” feeling after you solve the puzzle\n* Appreciation of the puzzle in retrospect that makes you want to tell people about it\n\nIn terms of what they didn’t keep, Schafer said that Double Fine has simplified the typical adventure game interface -- which usually includes too many verbs -- and instead replaced the idea of verbs with inventory items. Lee Petty then took the stage, explaining that old adventure games “were largely very static worlds” and that Double Fine instead added depth that allows players to travel into the background of the scene, allowing them to feel like they’re truly exploring an area.
Sir John Ballinger is the best gentleman jock in the north country. I could hold him on the flat at my best, but over jumps he's my master.\n\nHe's a hard nail, is Jack, and a dead shot, too, but you can't leave a Grand National winner to die like that--what?\n\nI don't think that I am a particularly brave man. I have an Irish imagination which makes the unknown and the untried more terrible than they are. On the other hand, I was brought up with a horror of cowardice and with a terror of such a stigma. I dare say that I could throw myself over a precipice, like the Hun in the history books, if my courage to do it were questioned, and yet it would surely be pride and fear, rather than courage, which would be my inspiration.\n\nI saw after Jack Ballinger myself this mornin'. He blew a hole in the skirt of my kimono, bless his shaky old hand... \n\nYou see, between you an' me close-tiled, I look on this South American business as a mighty serious thing, and if I have a pal with me I want a man I can bank on. So I sized you down, and I'm bound to say that you came well out of it.\n\n<<return>>\n\n
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nAfter three more days of rowing upstream, it becomes evident that the canoes are no longer of any use, because the stream is rapidly growing more shallow. \n\nFinally, you pull the canoes up onto the shore and conceal them in the bushes, blazing a tree with your ax so that you can find them again. You spend the night on the bank of the stream.\n\nIn the morning, you distribute the supplies among the whole group -- guns, ammunition, food, a tent, blankets, and the rest. Of course, Professor Moss, as usual, is directing everything, as he has done all along. \n\n\n[[Continue...|pepperPots]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou rise early the next morning, sore from all the chopping the previous day. Not far from camp, the vegetation changes once again: an open plain, sloping upwards, dotted with clumps of small trees and ferns.\n\nSuddenly, Moss stops and points off to the right. \n\n"Did you see it?" he cries out. "Summerlee, did you see it?"\n\nYou note that Summerlee is looking in the direction that Moss is pointing. \n\n"What do you claim that you saw?" asks Summerlee.\n\n"To the best of my belief, a pterodactyl."\n\nSummerlee bursts into laughter "A pter-fiddlestick!" says he. "It was a stork, if ever I saw one."\n\nYou are afraid that another fierce argument is about to happen, but thankfully Moss is too furious to speak. He simply throws his pack over his shoulder and starts marching.\n\nYou wonder if Moss actually saw a pterodactyl or if he's nuts. But that has been the question all along and this incident resolves nothing.\n\n\n[[Continue...|secondRidge]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<<lowercase>>\s\n<<if $letter1 eq "help" or $letter1 eq "" or $letter1 eq " " or $letter1 eq " ">>\s\n\t<<display prewrittenLetter>>\s\n<<else>>\s\n<table class="letter"><tr><td class="letterContents">\s\nDear Professor Moss, \n\n<<print $letter1>>\n\t\nWarmly,\n\n<<print $name>></td></tr></table>\s\n\n\n[[Continue...|receiveLetter]]\n<<endif>>\s
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<b class="speaker">Two days later...</b>\n\nYou receive the following letter from Professor Moss. \n\nDear <<print $name>>,\n\nThe irrational contempt that my colleagues have for me prevents my traveling with you. So be it.\n\nNevertheless, here are the travel details. You will leave one week from tomorrow, flying to Brazil on British Airways, Flight 4356. I have appointed [[Lord John Roxton]] and [[Professor Summerlee]] to accompany you. The latter is a disagreeable old coot. He holds a wrong-headed and disengenuous opinion that I am ignorant, but he is a well respected Professor of Comparative Anatomy and, when you find what you are looking for, he, of all people, will convince the world that I have been right all along, and it is he who will be found to be the fool.\n\nYours expectantly,\n\nProfessor Moss\n\n\n[[Continue...|airportTerminal]]
<<if $debugMe>>\n[[documentation|../documentation.html]]\n<b class="speaker">Jump to a location:</b>\n[[goto Santarém|Santarém]]\n[[writeLetter]]\n[[MossExplanation]]\n[[villagePrep]]\n[[rapids]]\n[[pepperPots]]\n[[secondRidge]] -- furthest point in story\n\n[[returnToVillage]] when the group returns to the Indian village\n<<endif>>\n
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 5>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nIn this hot, humid weather, the river looks like an inviting way to cool off. You take off your shoes and socks, and crawl over the edge of the //<<amazonShip>>//, and slip into the water.\n\nIt feels cool. Then you feel something around your feet and legs; LOTS of somethings. You panic, suddenly realizing that jumping into a strange river might have been a really bad idea. You yell repeatedly for help from your comrades on the boat. Something pulls you under. You come back up. Under again. Back up. Gasping for air. Your heart is beating hard and fast. \n\n\n[[Swim for the shore|endofSwim]]\n[[Wait for the crew to throw a rope|takeRope]]
<<return>>\n\n[img[South american map - large|LWimages/south-america-map-marked.jpg]]
The upper right hand corner of every page displays two numbers: a survival index and a return index.\n[img[indexes]] \n\nBoth indexes start near 100 and can get as low as 0. The closer you get to zero, the less likely you will survive or return from your trip. Your goal is to not only survive your adventure, but to return home to tell about it.\n\nIt is possible to survive, but to find yourself unable to ever return home because your health and well-being have suffered too much.\n\nGood decisions increase your scores; bad decisions decrease your scores. Really bad decisions decrease your scores a lot. A really, really bad decision will take you to GAME OVER!\n\n<<return>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou call <<Gwen>> and tell <<her>> about the letter from Professor Moss and <<she>> can tell, even over the phone, that you are very excited. <<Gwen>> asks you, "What's next?"\n\n"Well, I expect to get the details about the trip from Professor Moss in the next day or so."\n\n<<Gwen>> tells you that <<she>> is very excited for you. You are thrilled to hear <<her>> say that <<if $sex eq "M">>because the possibility of <<her>> accepting your proposal just went up one notch<<else>>because you really appreciate <<her-his>> support<<endif>>.\n \n\n[[You are afraid of flying -- travel by ship|shipTravel]]\n[[You want to get to Brazil quickly -- travel by airplane|planeTravel]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nThere is a loud and determined knock on the door frame. You are all startled and turn immediately to find Professor Moss standing in the doorway wearing a straw hat.\n\nLord John says, "I cannot tell you how relieved I am that you should show up, considering that when we saw that the letter was blank, our whole adventure had come to an unexpected end." There are unconscious nods all around, although I can tell that Professor Summerlee is quite conflicted. On the one hand, he is now glad the his long journey will not be for nothing. On the other hand, his distaste for his colleague is visible on his sour face. \n\n\n[[Continue...|MossExplanation]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nThat night, you moor the canoes with heavy stones for anchors in the center of the stream, and make every preparation for a possible attack. Nothing comes, though, and at dawn the next morning, you set out in the canoes again, leaving the drum-beating behind.\n\n\n[[Continue...|rapids]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nFinally, after walking for an hour, you come to the place where the river splits. Last you knew, the boat was upstream in Manaus, but you don't know how far away that is.\n\nListening carefully, you hear the breeze in the trees, birds, the river water spashing against the shore... and... and... the low, quiet hum of a motor boat. Then, around a bend in the river, there is the //<<amazonShip>>// coming back up the river. You start jumping up and down, waving your hands and yelling. <<Gomez>> spots you.\n\nA few minutes later, trembling with fear, you swim out into the water to grab a life preserver. <<Gomez>> and Manuel haul you aboard. Professor Summerlee lectures you smartly for doing such a stupid thing and then proceeds to blubber about all the fuel they had wasted looking for you up and down the river. <<Gomez>> takes the //<<amazonShip>>// back to Manaus.\n\n\n[[Continue...|shortman]]
Based on the story by Arthur Conan Doyle of the same name
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<table class="letter"><tr><td class="letterContents"><<print $name>>,\n\nI have received your note, in which you claim be able to help me on my next trip to South America. I take offense at the thought of needing help from anyone, but if you want to go, I could use a witness, since so few people believe what I have to say about the continent. I will be contacting you when it is convenient for me.\n\nYours faithfully,\n\nHarold I. Moss\nProfessor of Zoology</td></tr></table>\s\n\n\n[[Continue...|theOffer]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nMoss explains that he sent no maps or directions because he knew that his own presence and guidance would be enough. And he assures us that now that he has arrived, there would be no way that we would fail to reach our destination.\n\nConsidering the difficulties of the journey so far, you are not convinced by Moss' confident claims. \n\n\n[[Continue...|leaving Manaus]]
\t<<if not $nameFound>>\n\t\t<<set $name = prompt("Please enter your name...", $name)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n/*set name to title case (proper name) and save it for the next session*/\n\t<<properName>>\n\t<<remember $name>>\n\n/*establish a list of people eligible to use this story*/\n\t<<set $Women = ["Amy", "Sami", "Jill", "Bella", "Bethany", "Bronwyn", "Linda"]>>\n\t<<set $Men = ["Jeremy", "Rick", "Tim", "Oliver", "Jesse"]>>\n\n/*determine whether or not the player is in the "approved" list of people\n then, determine the sex of the player*/\n\t<<if $Men.contains($name) or $Women.contains($name)>>\n\t\t<<set $nameFound = true>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $sex = "M">>\n\t<<if $Women.contains($name)>>\n\t\t<<set $sex = "F">>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<if $nameFound eq true>>\n\t<table><tr><td><center>[img[cover]]</center></td><td> </td><td>Welcome, <<print $name>>\n\n\t<br><br>\n\tYou are about to embark on a great adventure. Whether or not you return alive depends on your making good decisions during your trip. Even if you survive, you may not be able to return home. Make good decisions, and you'll live to tell about your adventure. So, keep track of your [[survival and return indexes]].\n\t<br><br>\n\tLet's go on an adventure, shall we?\n\t<br><br>\n\n\t[[Continue...|The Beginning]]</td></tr></table>\n\n<<else>>\n<br>\n\tSorry, I don't know who <<print $name>> is!\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<if $EmeraldIsle eq true>>\n\t\t<<set $decrement = -2>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $decrement = 5>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<<if ($FairWeather eq false) and ($EmeraldIsle eq false)>>[[Go back... You MUST choose a ship|Belém]]<<else>>It takes two days of motoring down the Amazon River on the //<<amazonShip>>// to get to Santarém. It is hot and humid. The mosquitoes are thick. The forest is full of strange noises. Fortunately, the inner rooms of the <<amazonShip>> promise protection from the elements.\n\n\n[[Continue...|Manaus]]\n\n[[South american map - small|small South American map]]\n[[South American map - large|large South American map]]\n<<endif>>\s
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n"Well, I <em>could</em> use a witness, considering that no one believes what I have to say about South America. I'll send you the details. Give your address to the butler. Now take your leave."\n\nWow. Professor Moss' reputation is not nearly as awful as the man himself. You stop by to see the butler, and then run at full speed out of the house.\n\n\n[[Continue...|receiveLetter]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nTwo more days on the Amazon takes you to the town of Manaus. This town is the entryway to a no-man's-land that is formed by the half-defined frontiers between Peru, Brazil, and Columbia. \n\nIn this great district, untold numbers of species of plants and animals flourish. Most of them have never been seen by a human being except those who live in these parts. Sadly, the native people are not particularly friendly and you expect them to be an ever present problem. As Lord John said, "Wood and marsh and unpenetrated jungle. Who knows what it may shelter? And there to the south? A wilderness of swampy forest, where no white man has ever been. The unknown is up against us on every side. Outside the narrow lines of the rivers what does anyone know? Who will say what is possible in such a country?"\n\nIn Manaus, your desire just to rest up for a few days is helped by the fact that there is nothing else to do. \n\n\nDo you want to:\n<<link [[go for a swim|goSwimming]] disable>>\n<<link [[get some sleep|goSleeping]] disable>>\n\n[[South american map - small|small South American map]]\n[[South American map - large|large South American map]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 5>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nThe taxi leaves you off in front of number 38 Waite Street.\n\nYou find Moss, sitting in a rotating chair behind a broad table, that is covered with books, maps, and diagrams. As you enter, his seat spins around to face you. You knew that Moss was big, but his size takes your breath away. His head is huge, the largest you have ever seen upon a human being. Your are sure that his top-hat, should you try to put it on, would slip over you entirely and rest on your shoulders. He has the face of a bull and a beard that is black and rippling down over his chest. His eyes are blue under huge eyebrows, very clear, very critical, and very masterful. He has huge shoulders, a chest like a barrel, and two enormous hands covered with long black hair. \n\nIn a bellowing, roaring, rumbling voice, Moss says, "And just who are //you// ?". \n\n\n[[Continue...|request]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nMoss, seating himself on the side of one of the canoes, says to Summerlee, "In the interest of making progress, and considering your most improbable of conclusions, I will follow at my leisure. If I am not the leader, you cannot expect me to lead."\n\nSmirking inside, you make a mental note of Moss' impeccable logic.\n\nThus ends the squabble that could easily have brought our journey to an end. With each person shouldering a package, you set out upon the hardest stage of the journey.\n\n\n[[Continue...|cloudsofMosquitoes]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nSeeing the blank paper, Professor Summerlee breaks out into uncontrollable laughter. \n\n"Moss is a self-confessed humbug. We have only to return home and report him as the fraud that he is."\n\n"Invisible ink!" you suggest.\n\n"I don't think!" says Lord Roxton, holding the paper to the light. "No, young fellah my lad, there is no use deceiving yourself. There's no sign that anything has ever been written on this paper."\n\n\n[[Continue...|MossArrives]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nJust now, you remember reading about a [[Professor Moss|ProfessorMoss]] who had returned from a trip to South America with grand tales of unknown creatures of enormous size. So crazy were his stories that other scientists thought him to be out of his mind. The rest thought he was just an outright liar.\n\nSouth America. Tracking down enormous creatures. \s\n\s\n<<if $sex eq "F">>\s\nHow death defying could an adventure get?\s\n<<else>>\s\nThis is an adventure that would certainly get Gwen's attention!\s\n<<endif>>\n\nBut, how do you get in touch with Professor Moss?\n\n\n[[Write Moss a letter|writeLetter]] or [[Visit Moss in person|visit]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nBecause of the thick underbrush, you are forced to walk some distance into the jungle before you can turn parallel to the river. You hear the hollering of monkeys too near for comfort. They are unhappy with your presence. It is dark, except for a few rays of light that break through the canopy overhead. A bird swoops, as if to annoy you, and you yell out uncontrollably. Constantly looking around for danger as you walk, you are nervous, but thoughts of <<Gwen>> keep you going. Finally, you turn toward the river. A half hour after starting, you find yourself back at the river shore, not 20 yards from where you entered the jungle.\n\n\n[[Continue...|endOfTributary]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou leave <<Gwen>>'s house, wondering what your next step should be. How are you going to find the adventure that you are so much wanting?\n\n\n[[Continue...|Moss]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou know that walking around the obstacle is your only option. But walking into the river is a little... scary. You use your walking stick to poke at the water ahead of you as you walk through the water. \n\nComing out the other side, you practically jump out of the river onto the shore, relieved to no longer be in that water. Thoughts of <<Gwen>> keep you walking forward.\n\n\n[[Continue...|endOfTributary]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 5>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nWhatever creature was tormenting you must have become bored. You are exhausted and barely able to stay afloat, but after an hour, you are finally able to get to shore, which was even farther away than it looked from the boat. \n\nLaying on the ground next to the river, you hear only birds. No sound of a motor boat. No longer worried about strange creatures in the river, you are beginning to worry about your long term survival. And will you ever see <<Gwen>>? If you do, this whole thing will be quite the adventure, indeed!\n\n\n[[Yell for help|YellForHelp]]\n[[Walk back toward the main river|WalkbacktoRiver]]\n[[Walk toward Manaus|WalktoManaus]]
<<return>>\n\n[img[South american map - small|LWimages/south-america-map-small.jpg]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nAfter <<if $EmeraldIsle eq true>><<set $tripLength = 2>><<else>><<set $tripLength = 4>><<endif>><<print $tripLength>> more days' travel, you reach an Indian village, where the Professor insists that we should land. We would soon be running into rapids and the //<<if $EmeraldIsle eq true>><<print "Emerald Isle">><<else>><<print "Fair Weather">><<endif>>// would be able to take us no further. Professor Moss steps off the boat ahead of the rest of us, looks off into the distance, slaps his chest boastfully, and in a confident but excited voice, he announces that we are now approaching the door of the unknown country. You expect that, despite all that has gone down so far, the exciting part of the voyage is about to begin.\n\n\n[[Continue...|villagePrep]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<b class="speaker">Two days later...</b>\n\nYou receive the following letter from Professor Moss. \n\n<table class="letter"><tr><td class="letterContents">Dear <<print $name>>,\n\nThe irrational contempt that my colleagues have for me prevents my traveling with you. So be it.\n\nNevertheless, here are the travel details. You will leave one week from tomorrow on the Caronia ocean liner, a rather luxurious vessel, I must say. I have appointed Lord John Roxton and Professor Summerlee to accompany you. The latter is a disagreeable old coot. He holds a wrong-headed and disengenuous opinion that I am ignorant, but he is a well respected Professor of Comparative Anatomy and, when you find what you are looking for, he, of all people, will convince the world that I have been right all along, and it is he who will be found to be the fool.\n\nYours expectantly,\n\nProfessor Moss</td></tr></table>\s\n\n\n[[Continue...|theDock]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nPrinted on the outside of the envelope:\n\n<table class="letter"><tr><td class="letterContents">Instructions to <<print $name>> and party. To be opened at Manaus on the 15th of the month, at 12 o'clock precisely.</td></tr></table>\s\n\n\n[[the Letter...|theLetter]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = -1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou remember that both professors had the very poorest opinion of Dr. Illingworth of Boston. You believe that by simply mentioning his name, the two professors would form a temporary friendship in their dislike and abuse of this common rival. So, you give it a try.\n\n"And I wonder what Professor Illingworth would think of this place?" you say rather adventurously.\n\nThe diversion worked so well that you expect you will use this strategy for the rest of the journey every time the two pepper pots get into a tizzy. \n\n\n[[Continue...|cedingLeadership]]
Professor Harold I. Moss is a famous zoologist. He is a rather large man, with a huge head topped by plenty of black hair. His shoulders are very wide and his chest reminds one of a barrel. Thick, black eyebrows stand guard over his eyes and almost continuous with his full black beard. Black hair covers his hands. His voice is deep and rumbling, commanding great authority. \n\nA year ago, he came back from South America with a crazy story about some extremely large and odd animals. Despite his worldwide reputation as a comparative zoologist, most of his colleagues think him to be missing a few screws. \n\n<<return>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nFor over an hour, you sit listening to Chester go on and on with his endless chatter. \n\n<<if $sex eq "M">>At last, you are alone with <<Gwen>>. The moment of fate has come. You hold <<Gwen>> around the waist, kiss her, and screw up the courage to ask for her hand in marriage when... \s\n<<else>>When you walk into the sitting room, <<Gwen>> holds you around the waist and kisses you. You can see that he's very nervous...<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Continue...|the proposal]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou spend four days in the village, during which time, you gather two large canoes, made of a very light material so that we should be able to carry them round any obstacle. You help <<Gomez>> and Manuel load them up with our possessions and food. Summerlee was rather uselessly rummaging around the margins of the village collecting samples of odd-looking plants.\n\nProfessor Moss hires two locals, ''<<insert "Aucaman">> (//wild condor//)<<endinsert>>'' and ''<<insert "Quidel">> (//burning torch)//<<endinsert>>'' as guides for the rest of our trip. They appear to be terrified at the prospect of taking us to a part of the jungle about which many stories had been told, but the chief, by his patriarchal powers, gives them little choice.\n\n\n[[Continue...|settingOut]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<<if $storyType eq "adventure">>\s\n<<if $sex eq "F">><b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> I would love to go on a great adventure. You know, go somewhere where you are not sure you will ever return. I'd do things that were exciting and dangerous. I'd look Death in the face and have no fear of it. Oh, how I dream of such a time. \n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> <<print $name>>, I have the same dream. I can easily imagine it, but <em>doing</em> it eq another matter. I think you should go for it!\n<<else>><b class="speaker">Gwen:</b> ...a strong man, not so ready to adapt himself to the whims of a silly girl like me. He must be a man who could <em>do</em>, who could <em>act</em>, who could look Death in the face and have no fear of it, a man of great deeds and wonderful experiences.\n\n<b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> If I can listen to your father tell his stories that go on forever, then I think I can face Death, don't you? \n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> (Laughing) Then, go for it, <<print $name>>!<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Continue...|wondering]]\s\n<<else>>\s\n\s\n<<if $sex eq "F">><b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> I mean, we're too young, too inexperienced in life. I would love to go on a great adventure. You know, go somewhere where you are not sure you will ever return. I'd do things that were exciting and dangerous. I'd look Death in the face and have no fear of it. Oh, how I dream of such a time. \n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> <<print $name>>, I have the same dream. I can easily imagine it, but <em>doing</em> it is another matter. I think you should go for it!\s\n<<else>><b class="speaker">Gwen:</b> ...a strong man, not so ready to adapt himself to the whims of a silly girl like me. He must be a man who could <em>do</em>, who could <em>act</em>, who could look Death in the face and have no fear of it, a man of great deeds and wonderful experiences.\n\n<b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> We can't all be like that, Gwen. But, if that is what it takes to please you and to win you, then I will... \n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> Not another word! When you have won your place in the world, then we'll talk about it.<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Continue...|wondering]]\s\n<<endif>>\s
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nAbout three o'clock in the afternoon, you come to a very steep rapid, more than a mile long -- the very one that you had read about back home in reports of Professor Moss' previous trip to this area. The sight of it is a great comfort for you, for it is really the first direct evidence, slight as it might be, of the truth of Moss' story. \n\nAucaman and Quidel carry first the canoes and then the stores through the jungle, which is very thick at this point, while the rest of us, our rifles on our shoulders, walk between them and any danger coming from the woods. \n\nBy evening, you have successfully passed the rapids, and then, back in the canoes, you make your way some ten miles above them, where you anchor for the night. At this point, you figure that you have come about a hundred miles up the tributary from the main stream.\n\n\n[[Continue...|AssaiLandmark]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nChester Hopkins, <<her-his>> father, is the most awkward man on earth. His clothes are too big, too out of fashion, and too old. His stories always begin with, "When <em>I</em> was your age..." Thankfully, he never sees when you roll your eyes. Whenever you come over to his house, he thinks that you come to see him. But, really, you always come to see his <<if $sex eq "M">>daughter, Gwen<<else>>son, Glenn<<endif>>. <<if $sex eq "M">>She<<else>>He<<endif>> is wonderful and smart and <<if $sex eq "M">>beautiful<<else>>handsome<<endif>>.\n\nIs there going to be [[kissing][$storyType to "kissing"]] or [[adventure][$storyType to "adventure"]]?
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nThe cruise to Rio de Janeiro is uneventful, though long. You book a bus to take the group to Brasilia, about a 600 mile trip. On the bus, the luxurious treatment received on the ocean liner is wearing thin. But, finally, you arive in Brasilia.\n\nYou mumble to Lord John that the Pereira da Pinta Company is being very helpful in finding what is needed for the trip inland. You hire a tour guide <<if $sex eq"F">>with jet black hair named, appropriately,<<else>>named<<endif>> <<Gomez>> along with a laborer, Manuel. Roxton and <<Gomez>> then go about buying supplies (tents, bedding, food, guns, binoculars) and renting a Jeep. There are a lot of preparations and you spend the good part of a week in Brasilila.\n\nFinally, with <<Gomez>> at the wheel, and the gear packed inside and on top of the Jeep, you set off for Belém near the mouth of the Amazon.\n\n[[South american map - small|small South American map]]\n[[South American map - large|large South American map]]\n\n\n[[Continue...|Belém]]
he drew out a map of South America and laid it on the table.\n\nThere are just some narrow water-lanes along which folk travel, and outside that it is all darkness. Now, down here in the Mato Grosso"--he swept his hand over a part of the map--"or up in this corner where three countries meet, nothin' would surprise me. As that chap said to-night, there are fifty-thousand miles of water-way runnin' through a forest that is very near the size of Europe. \n\n[[large South American map|large South American map]]\n[[small South American map|small South American map]]\n\n
<<return>>\n\nThe //Emerald Isle// is a 46 foot yacht that boasts a 52' flat screen LCD TV with DirecTV Satellite television, Bose surround sound entertainment system, BluRay Player, Stereo with iPod hookup, Sirius Radio, and WiFi internet access.\n\nThe aft deck's custom teak table comfortably seats up to 10 people and is adjacent to the fully stocked refrigerator and kitchenette.\n\n//Emerald Isle//’s three luxury staterooms are meant to serve every need. The forward stateroom has a walk-around over-sized Queen bed with marble end tables. Port and starboard staterooms both have Double beds with Single bed above.\n\nAll staterooms have en-suite bathroom with marble or granite counter tops and enclosed shower stall. Each bedroom also has its own LCD flat-screen television with Satellite TV, DVD/CD/MP3 player, and individual climate control, air conditioned 24/7. Each stateroom is individually climate controlled with air conditioning.
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 3>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou are hoping that the two professors will respond to a stern warning. \n\nIn a loud voice, you shout, "Gentlemen!"\n\nAnd then a little softer, "We don't have time for this. Get along or get out."\n\nYou immediately discern that the harsh approach is the wrong one. Nearly at the same time, both professors come back, "And just who do you think //you// are?" You turn red with some combination of embarrassment and anger.\n\nMoss continues immediately, "Leadership of this expedition could hardly fall to anyone but he who has the superior intellect. And that would not be you, for sure. As for Summerlee... well I hardly can expect for him to provide the same quality of leadership as myself."\n\n\n[[Continue...|cedingLeadership]]
<h2>Professor Summerlee</h2>\s\nProfessor Summerlee is a tall, gaunt, stringy figure with a dry, half-sarcastic, and often wholly unsympathetic manner. Though in his sixty-sixth year, his power of endurance is as great as your own. In temper he is naturally acid and sceptical. From the beginning he has never concealed his belief that Professor Challenger is an absolute fraud, that we are all embarked upon an absurd wild-goose chase and that we are likely to reap nothing but disappointment and danger in South America, and corresponding ridicule in England. \n\nHe spends his days flitting through the woods with his shot-gun and his butterfly-net, and his evenings in mounting the many specimens he has acquired. Among his minor peculiarities are that he is careless as to his attire, unclean in his person, exceedingly absent-minded in his habits, and addicted to smoking a short briar pipe, which is seldom out of his mouth.\n\n<<return>>
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nCrossing another ridge, you come, all of a sudden, to your destination: an irregular, palm-studded plain, and then the line of high red cliffs that you had seen in the picture that Moss had shown you back home. There is no question that you are at the same place. \n\nMoss struts about like a proud peacock, but Summerlee is still skeptical. You figure it's about 7 miles from your camp to the cliffs. \n\n\n[[Continue...|]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 3>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou grit your teeth, not knowing what in the world is playing with you. When you come up for air, you hear <<Gomez>> yell that he has found a rope.\n\nA small pile of rope hits you on the back of the head. You grab for it instantly just as you're being pulled under again. <<Gomez>> and Manuel drag you to the boat and up, out of the river. You lay on the floor of the //<<amazonShip>>//, gasping. You repeat, "Thank you" over and over. \n\n\n[[Continue...|shortman]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nEnter your letter to Professor Moss. If you need help, then type <b class="speaker">help</b>.\n\nDear Professor Moss, \n\n<<textarea "$letter1" "" autofocus>>\s\n\n\n[[Continue...|showLetter]]\n
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nFor over an hour, you sit listening to Chester go on and on with his endless jabbering. \n\nAt last you are alone with \s\n<<if $sex eq "M">>\s\n<<Gwen>>. She has been your best friend since first grade. Much to your surprise, she tells you about her ideal man...\n<<else>>\s\n<<Gwen>>. He has been your best friend since first grade. Somewhere in your talking together, you tell him about things that you would love to do someday...\n<<endif>>\s\n\n\n[[Continue...|the dare]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 5>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nYou grab a fallen branch to use as a walking stick and start hiking back toward the main river. You come to a place where the jungle juts right up to the river, making the shore an impossible place to walk. \n\n\n[[Walk into the jungle|walkInJungle]]\n[[Walk into the river|walkInRiver]]
adapted by\nRick Rawson
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<table class="letter"><tr><td class="letterBlank"> </td></tr></table>\s\n\n[[Continue...|responseToLetter]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = -2>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nIt is getting late and it has been a long day. You hit the sack for good night's sleep. The gentle rocking of the boat lulls you to sleep in seconds.\n\n\n[[Continue...|shortman]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<b class="speaker">One week later...</b>\n\nAs you approach the pier where the RMS Caronia is docked, you hear a shout from behind. Professor Moss arrives unexpectedly to send you off.\n\n"My directions for your instruction and guidance are in this sealed envelope. You will open it when you reach a town upon the Amazon which is called Manaus, but not until the date and hour which is marked upon the outside. Have I made myself clear? Good bye, <<print $name>>. I put no restictions on what you might write home about. Good-bye, [[Lord John Roxton]]. Science is not your 'thing' but I expect that you will be thrilled to bring down a Tyranosaurus Rex. And good-bye to you also, [[Professor Summerlee]]. If you are still capable of self-improvement, of which I am frankly unconvinced, you will surely return to London a wiser man."\n\nMoss turns and leaves without ceremony. You and your comrades head for the gate.\n\n\n[[Continue...|shipTrip]]
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<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\nOn the ninth day after leaving the canoes, and having traveled already about 120 miles, you emerge from the trees into an area covered by small bushes, which eventually are replaced by a large wilderness of bamboo. You have to cut your way through the bamboo with machetes, barely being able to see Lord John's jacket in front of you. You can't see much of anything through the stand of bamboo, but occasionally hear the plunging sound of a large animal. Lord John tells you they sound like some sort of wild cattle. \n\nJust as night comes, you clear the belt of bamboo and camp for the night.\n\n\n[[Continue...|inthePlain]]
<<silently>>\n\t<<set $decrement = -1>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<tallyIndexes>>\s\n<<if $sex eq "M">><b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> Don't! I have a feeling that you are going to propose, <<print $name>>. I do wish you wouldn't, because things are so much nicer between us as they are.\n\n<b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> Now, how did you know that I was going to propose?\n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> Don't women always know? Besides <<print $name>>, I'm waiting for my ideal man.\n\n<b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> And what is your ideal?\n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> My ideal man would be...<<else>>\s\n<b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> You're going to propose, aren't you <<Gwen>>?\n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> How did you know?\n\n<b class="speaker"><<print $name>>:</b> Don't women always know? Besides, I'm not ready. And neither are you. \n\n<b class="speaker"><<Gwen>>:</b> What do you mean?<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Continue...|the dare]]